Born and raised in the Niagara Region, Chris is a degreed graduate from Brock University in 2013. His studies focused primarily on Biological Studies, Health Sciences and Computer Sciences.
Chris’ health sciences studies began with an emphasis on exercise physiology and rehabilitation, which lead to him branching off and focusing heavily on human anatomy, physiology and generally, the complex inner workings of the human body.
His post-graduate studies have focused on increasing his cyber and technological knowledge. He has successfully completed several courses including CompTIA, network security and breaches, as well as network penetration testing. Previously, Chris was a member of a national team of adjusters devoted to cyber losses.
His insurance career began straight out of University, where he sold property, casualty and life insurance. This allowed him to expand his customer service skills and eventually lead to him becoming an independent adjuster in 2014.
Chris achieved his Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) designation from the Insurance Institute of Canada in 2016, and is currently working towards his FCIP. He achieved his Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI) designation in 2019. He earned his Chartered Loss Adjuster (CLA) designation in 2022, and is a Fellow of the International Federation of Adjusting Associations (2024).
Chris is a licenced all-lines adjuster with a focus on intensive investigations of property, casualty, and accident benefit claims, all while providing superior customer service to clients. Since this time he has been working with local and national insurers, acquiring knowledge and experience in a variety of all-lines claims investigations and assessments.
Chris is a past Delegate and current President for the OIAA Niagara Chapter. He is a Past President for the Ontario Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI). He currently sits as the Treasurer of the Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Association (CIAA) National Executive.
Outside of work, Chris enjoys spending time with his family participating in numerous functions and activities, while also developing a reputation for being the go-to computer specialist. Chris is a successful two time IronMan Triathlete, along with others, and spends his time training for his next race.